Each year the week of June 26 is declared National Mosquito Control Awareness Week by the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA). AMCA’s “Mosquito Week” educates the general public about the significance of mosquitoes in their daily lives and the important service provided by mosquito control workers throughout the United States and worldwide.
The AMCA, an international organization of nearly 2,000 public health professionals, has been dedicated to preserving the public’s health and well-being through safe, environmentally sound mosquito control programs since 1935.
During “Mosquito Week” the AMCA’s goal is to educate the general public about the significance of mosquitoes in their daily lives and the important service provided by mosquito control workers throughout the United States and worldwide.
Bite-Lite® Mosquito Repelling Candles offer an effective and safe method of preventing mosquitoes from biting with its proprietary Cloak & Scatter® Technology. Read more on The Science page.