Doing Your Part to Help Keep Mosquitos at Bay at Your Home and Business

If it isn’t already one, the following should become a maxim: It is just as easy to find breeding spots for mosquitoes as to eliminate them!

As homeowners and business owners (with outdoor venues and employees), we  can all do our part to eliminate standing water and manage the possibility of mosquito borne diseases.  Remember that mosquitoes are born wherever there is standing water.  It takes one week for a mosquito to grow from an egg to an adult.   Now that spring is officially here, it is time to check your homes and businesses and eliminate these outdoor areas commonly popular for breeding mosquitoes.

To help you target these potential breeding areas, many mosquito districts across the country can provide you with informational pamphlets, all basically covering the same time honored  recommendations. Below you will find one such chart from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health, Public Health Pest Management Section, which was last revised in June, 2006.  It is entitled “Mosquito Problems Start At Home!,” and we expect that you will agree–  pictures are worth a thousand words!


The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) provides three D’s of prevention against mosquitoes:  DRAIN, DRESS, and DEFEND.    

To Drain: Empty out water containers at least once a week.

To Dress: Wear long sleeves, long pants, and light colored, loose fitting clothing.

To Defend: Properly apply approved repellents such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon-eucalyptus.

To learn more, here is the link:

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