Best Haunted Houses For Halloween

In celebration of Halloween, Bite-Lite®, known for its great smelling natural mosquito repellents candles, is putting together a top four list of best haunted halloween houses in the United States.    Everyday we’ll list another ‘must see’ haunted house.  

If we’ve missed your personal favorite, let us know.

Our number one Halloween attraction, also featured on The Travel Channel, The Wheather Channel, USA Today, and other national publications is….

Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride and Pennhurst Asylum Haunted Attraction in Philadelphia, PA:  This Haunted Hayride is located deep in a 200-year-old forest full of overgrown trees, creating the ultimate dark trail, even during a full moon.   With over 75 actors and 25 scenes, it’s no wonder this hayride is always at the top of every top 10 haunted house list.    The Pennhurst Asylum is one of the scariest haunted attraction sites in the world, mostly due to the setting of this haunt.   It’s located in a 100-year-old, abandoned mental institute. Bates Motel and Pennhurst Asylum are owned and operated by the same company and are within a short drive of each other.   These attractions are worth the trip for a scary time.

It’s still warm enough to barbeque or just have friends over for Halloween.   With the unseasonably warm weather and the recent rains, mosquitoes are still out on the prowl.   Stay protected with Bite-Lite® Natural Mosquito Repellent Candles available at your local Retailer or on our Products page.

Enjoy An Old Fashion Country Fair

As Labor Day approaches, County and State Fairs are just getting started.   Produce has had a full season to grow and it’s now time to bake that blue ribbon pie.   We all know about our own local fairs and festivals, but where do we turn for options outside your environs?

You can check out the calendar at County Fairgrounds.   Type in the name of the state you’re interested in, click enter, and start making your plans for the weekend. htpt://

Our personal favorite fair is the Big E, in Springfield MA, also known as The Eastern States Exposition.

The Big E is billed as “New England‘s Great State fair, representing all six of the New England states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.   Each of these New England states are prominently represented at the Big E which happens to be the 6th largest agricultural fair in the country.

Enjoy the season.   Visit the fairs.   When you get home, light up Bite-Lite® Natural Mosquito Repellent Candles, and take a cool drink out onto the porch.   Keep the mosquitoes at a distance.   The season isn’t over until the first frost.   Look for our natural repellents candles at your local retailer or find them  on our online store.

Give us a shout with your favorite County or State Fair.   Tell us why its special to you.



Home and Garden shows are great places to get all sorts of good backyard patio and garden ideas. Experience what’s new in Home, Gardening, Remodeling, Home Decor, and More!  You will be able to see, touch, try out and learn about products and services for your home and garden needs.

The big home shows are usually held in the major and some minor cities throughout the USA.   Most 2011 home and garden shows will take place in January, February, or March and they are right around the corner. For details regarding the bigger home shows, go to

Home and garden shows are great places to find new products, talk to local businesses, and to get lots of ideas for your patio, garden, and home.   If you are thinking of hiring someone to redesign your backyard or patio or build a new one for you, the home show is a good place to go to locate and talk to builders and contractors.

Some home shows are free and others charge a small fee.   In some cases, you can even get discounted tickets by buying them early online.   Check out the home shows in your city via their websites and see whether they offer discounted tickets.

Check out the Home and Garden Shows to see and learn about the latest in horticultural, gardening, outdoor living, and landscaping needs.   Hundreds of experts are on hand to answer your questions. Get answers. Be inspired!

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