CBS recently reported on the thriving Mosquito community in New York. Those pesky, disease carrying insects are putting down roots and homesteading the New York sewer system. For an insect that thrives in warm wet environments, the sewer system in New York is a paradise. The mosquitoes come up through the cracks in the streets as well as subways, basements, and then through air-vents. This breed of mosquito is extra blood thirsty; they prefer the shadows of nightfall and are active year round.
Typically the 311 call center stops taking calls on Mosquitoes October 31st; this has presented a serious problem for local residents battling the insects. It has even been suggested that many families who think they are plagued by bedbugs are actually victims of these resilient and resourceful mosquitoes.
You can safeguard your home by covering all open vents with black mesh and consider sleeping inside a black mesh netting over your bed.
Mosquitoes are no longer a seasonal problem, and Bite-Lite® Natural Mosquito Repellents are more than a seasonal solution. Remember to keep your family and friends safe. Keep your Bite-Lite® natural repellents handy. Remember to light them up 20 minutes before you need them. Our candles are available at local Retailers and on our Products page.
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