Industry Edge, the official online news voice of the National Hardware Show, named Bite-Lite® Natural Mosquito Repellent Candles one of 25 products to sell across the country. In a special report on February 26th, Industry Edge writer Briana McClane divided the country into a five region map called the “United States of Hardware,” and listed Bite-Lite® in the heavily populated mosquito region of the Southeast amongst four other products that “shoppers will want.”
“With the hardware industry being told to innovate in order to compete with the Internet and dominating brands, it’s a great time to be in a place as distinct as the U.S. Retailers and brands alike can find a niche among the many regions that the U.S. encompasses. Whether it’s climate or culture, it’s to a retailer’s advantage to know the surrounding area. Industry Edge spoke with retailers and manufacturers about what products are selling best, where, and about what customers want in certain regions…..
“Bite-Lite® Natural Mosquito Repelling Candles combine spearmint and lemongrass to emit an attractive smell to repel mosquitoes.”
To see what all the buzz is about, come visit the Bite-Lite® staff in Las Vegas at the National Hardware Show on May 6-8, 2014 at Booth #12032 in North Hall in the Lawn, Garden, and Outdoor Living section.